The Khadi Kerala e-commerce
application is a window that allows users to directly access traditional handi
Crafts from Kerala. This application brings together a diverse range of Khadi products, including hand woven fabrics, natural skin
Care products, and more, each of which is a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Users can easily browse, purchase, and enjoy the convenience of home de
Livery, bringing traditional craftsmanship into

Software features:
Authentic Khadi Products: Offering authentic Kerala Khadi products, ensuring the quality and traditional craftsmanship of each item.
Diversified product selection: from clothing to household items, and then to skincare products, to meet the needs of different users.
Shopping experience: user-friendly interface, simple shopping process, and easy selection of desired Khadi products.
Software Highlights:
Cultural Heritage: Promote and protect the traditional handicraft culture of Kerala through e-commerce platforms.
Natural materials: All products are made of natural materials, emphasizing environmental protection and health.
Home delivery service: Users can enjoy convenient delivery services no matter where they are.
Software functions:
Product search and
Filtering: Users can search and filter products based on category, price, or other criteria.
Detailed product information: Provide a detailed introduction to each product, including materials, manufacturing processes, and usage instructions.
Online Payment and Order Management: Suppo
RTS multiple online payment methods and allows users to manage their own orders.
Software advantages:
Support local craftsmen: By selling Khadi products, support local craftsmen and the handicraft industry.
Promote sustainable development: Promote the use of sustainable materials and processes that align with modern environmental concepts.
Enhancing cultural identity: enabling users to experience and inherit the rich cultural heritage of Kerala.