Make Video With
Idol Fake Call is a fun
Social tool that allows users to simulate receiving calls from celebrities or idols, creating hilarious prank scenes. Whether it's to get rid of awk
Ward situatio
ns or just to entert
AIn friends, this
app can provide a realistic video call experience, making every prank full of surprises and laughter.

Software features:
Simulation: Provides a highly realistic video call interface, simulating receiving calls from various characters.
Celebrity Effect: Users can choose to simulate receiving phone calls from celebrities or idols, increasing the realism of pranks.
Scene customization: Allow users to customize the scene and content of prank calls according to different occasions and needs.
Software Highlights:
Rescue call: Users can use the appli
Cation to simulate receiving e
mergency calls when they need to get out of an awkward situation.
Refusing excuses: Provide a perfect excuse to politely decline unwanted dates or jobs.
Social sharing: Users can share their prank video calls on social media to increase interactive fun.
Software functions:
Video call recording: Users can record simulated video call processes and capture exciting moments.
Phone Content Editing: Provides editing functionality that allows users to customize the content of conversations over the phone.
Character selection: Users can choose characters or celebrities in the simulated phone according to their personal preferences.
Software advantages:
Unlimited creativity: providing diverse prank scenes and characters to stimulate users' creative thinking.
Easy to operate: user-friendly interface, simple operation, even beginners can quickly get started.
Social Enhancement: Enhance social connections and inter
Actions with friends through prank video calls.