Airtel Retailer Tribe is a comprehensive management tool
Designed specifically for Airtel retailers, providing a one-stop customer service and account management solution through a user-friendly interface. Retailers can easily handle tasks such as customer registration, SIM
Card sw
apping, recharging, and bill payments. At the same time, the application also provides functions such as inventory management, sales hierarchy viewing, account services, and banking services, greatly improving the efficiency and management convenience of retailers.

Software Features:
One stop customer service: The app allows retailers to register new customers, edit existing customer information, exchange SIM
Cards, and provide comprehensive customer service.
Account management: Retailers can manage their Airtel accounts, including viewing and editing personal information, unlocking accounts, and resetting pas
Sales and Inventory Management: The app suppo
RTS viewing sales hierarchy, inventory updates, and purchases, helping retailers effectively manage inventory and sales.
Software Highlights:
Multi functional financial services: Retailers can use the app for AM cash in and out, bill payments, and other banking services, achieving convenience in financial trans
Transaction hi
Story and commission tracking: The app allows retailers to view transaction history and paid commissions, helping them monitor
Business performance and revenue.
Self service and requests: Retailers can directly provide self-service and requests to Airtel, improving the efficiency of service response.
software function:
MNP and Call Time/Bundle Purchase: The app supports mobile number portability (MNP) services and purchases of call time or data bundles.
EVD/AM transfer service: Retailers can perform EVD/AM transfer services for other retailers, simplifying fund flow and management.
Training and Survey Management: The app supports listing key instructions for training and surveys, helping retailers maintain the latest business knowledge and skills.
Software advantages:
Improving work efficiency: By integrating multiple services and management functions, the Airtel Tribe App significantly enhances the work efficiency of retailers.
Enhance customer satisfaction: The one-stop service of the app reduces customer waiting time, improves service response speed and customer satisfaction.
Data driven decision support: Through transaction history and commission tracking functions, retailers can make more informed business decisions based on data.